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Rising Dampness: Causes, Signs, and Solutions

Rising dampness is a common concern among property owners, with the potential to cause significant damage if left unchecked. Understanding the causes, signs, and solutions for rising dampness is crucial for the preservation of buildings and ensuring the health and safety of the occupants.

What Causes Rising Dampness?

Rising Dampness occurs when groundwater rises through porous building materials such as brick, stone, or mortar via capillary action. This upward movement of moisture carries salts and other contaminants, which can lead to visible damp patches on walls, deterioration of plaster and paint, and even structural damage over time. Common causes of Rising Dampness include:

  • Lack of or Failure of Damp Proof Course (DPC): A DPC is a barrier installed in walls to prevent moisture from rising. If the DPC is absent, damaged, or bridged, rising dampness can occur.

  • High Groundwater Levels: Properties situated in areas with high groundwater levels are more susceptible to rising dampness, usually by “bridging” of the DPC.

  • Poor Drainage or Ventilation: Issues such as blocked drains or inadequate ventilation can exacerbate rising damp problems by allowing moisture to accumulate externally or sometimes internally.

Signs of Rising Dampness

Identifying the signs of Rising Dampness early is essential for prompt remediation. Common indicators of Rising Dampness include:

  • Visible Damp Patches: Look for damp patches or "tide marks" on walls, usually appearing up to a meter from the base of affected walls.

  • Deterioration of Plaster and Paint: Rising dampness can cause plaster to become damp, crumble, or blister, while paint may peel or bubble.

  • Musty Odours: A damp, musty smell is often present in areas affected by rising dampness.

  • Decay of Skirting Boards and Floorboards: Rising dampness can lead to the deterioration of timber elements near affected walls, such as skirting boards and floorboards.

Solutions for Rising Dampness

Addressing Rising Dampness requires a multi-faceted approach aimed at eliminating the source of moisture and restoring affected areas. Key solutions include:

  • Damp Proofing: Installing or repairing a Damp Proof Course (DPC) is essential to prevent further moisture ingress.

  • Improved Drainage: Addressing underlying issues such as poor drainage can help mitigate Rising Dampness.

  • Remedial Treatments: Remedial treatments such as chemical injection or electro-osmotic damp proofing may be necessary to combat Rising Dampness.

  • Repair and Restoration: Repairing damaged plaster, paint, and timber elements is crucial to restoring the aesthetic and structural integrity of the affected areas.


Rising Dampness can be a serious concern that requires prompt attention to prevent further damage to buildings and ensure the well-being of occupants. By understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and implementing effective solutions, property owners can effectively combat Rising Dampness. If you suspect Rising Dampness in your property, don't hesitate to seek professional assistance to address the issue promptly.

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